maanantaina, huhtikuuta 10, 2006


Prinsessa Belle esittäytyy. Jos olisin saanut tulokseksi Lumikin noita-akan, ette varmaan näkisi tuloksia täällä.

You scored 47 Kindness, 32 Morality, and 51 Wisdom!

You are a very balanced individual. You are not only intelligent and
have good morals, but you are also kind and loving. You are a true
Disney princess at heart. Your book smarts and morality make you a good
leader. In addition, your kindness brings people to your cause and
inspires those who work for you. As long as you continue valuing
kindness, you will go far in whatever you choose to do. You deserve a
king so try to spend time with Mufasa.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 46% on Kindness
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You scored higher than 26% on Morality
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You scored higher than 57% on Wisdom
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You scored higher than 96% on Gender
Link: The Which Disney Character Are You Test written by dakotaguy on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

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